It seems to me that the WTB&TS of today is not the WTB&TS that I knew in the days of my youth. Back in the day, there was a strong emphasis on being able to "defend and legally establish" what we believed.
After 1975, the thinking members of the BORG began to leave and after the death of Freddie "Oracle" Franz, there was no inheritor of his prophet's robe...
Dummies and simpletons run the WTB&TS now, and they "teach" gullible ones who are dumber and simpler than they are. It's becoming an end-times social club with no social events, held together by the irrational fear "but what if they are right?"
It's a theatrical spectacle - a tragi-comedy - for the angels and those who are smarter than the angels. People who leave the Borg now have not yet learned to think and take offense when someone replies to their inane posts with a raspberry.
Please don't poke the chimps.